Grant Submission Update
May 23, 2024
The grant was submitted by the May deadline. All told LAA and our partners were able to raise over $38,000 in cash and in-kind donations for a total grant of $95.000! The applications are attached below.
It Went So Well, Let’s Do It Again!
The LAA is applying for additional erosion control funds
Fresh off the success of the erosion control grant that ended last year, LAA and the Androscoggin River Watershed Council (ARWC) plan to apply for another erosion control grant this spring. If awarded, this new grant will begin in January 2025, and run for two years.
In the previous grant, LAA was the key local partner in a coalition that reduced soil loading to the lake from its surrounding watershed by 44 tons annually. Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) studies show soil erosion is the primary threat to lakes in the Pine Tree State. Too much soil erosion entering a lake unleashes a disastrous chain of events that can result in a bloom of algae that ruins water quality, recreation, and even shoreline property values.
Lake Anasagunticook is right on the edge, having experienced brief, localized algae blooms in recent decades. There is even more at stake for Lake Anasagunticook since it is the drinking water source for 230 households. An algae bloom would impact water quality to such an extent that it would likely increase treatment costs at the Canton Water District in order to continue producing potable drinking water.
These grants allow for the sharing of costs, usually on a 50-50 basis, to implement erosion control with the towns, private road associations, and property owners. The grant project that ended in 2023 tackled many, but not all, of the most significant erosion sites in the Lake Anasagunticook Watershed. Thus, the need for another grant to finish the job. Continuing erosion control efforts is a high priority of the LAA board and membership.
Funds come from Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, which deals with nonpoint source pollution – also known as erosion. Runoff from a hillside is an example of this diffuse type of pollution, as opposed to the more familiar point source pollution that comes from a discrete pipe at the tail end of, say, a factory. Maine’s share of these federal 319 funds is disbursed to the DEP, which then awards them annually in a competitive grant application process.
We are very glad to again have Jeff Stern guiding us through the application process. The LAA’s grant steering committee has been meeting with Jeff twice a month to prepare for submitting the grant proposal.
Want to know how you can help ensure we get the funds?
What we need is a financial commitment from YOU!
The funds the Lake Association raises are matched by Federal funds (to a certain point). LAA board members have been approaching businesses, and the towns of both Hartford and Canton have contributed.
What we need are individuals to commit to specific dollar contributions over the next 2 years – but the pledge needs to be made NOW! We also need individuals to pledge “in-kind” matching – which is time or equipment.
Again, these pledges will be matched by federal funds, so the more we raise, the better off will be. Keep in mind that households that tackle approved mitigation projects on their property are eligible to receive up to $300 in cash matches, so you will see direct results of your donation in our community. Of course, if needed, the LAA can rally friends and neighbors to help tackle projects you can’t take on alone!
Please use the buttons below to pledge your financial or in-kind support over the next two years OR contribute immediately online today.
Lake Anasagunticook Watershed
with candidate sites indicated
The Lake Anasagunticook Association is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax ID: 94-3480860). Donations to organizations with 501(c)(3) status may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax professional to determine deductibility.